AQAR 2022-23

1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well-planned and documented process
1.1.2 The institution adheres to the academic calendar including the conduct of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) INTERNSHIP CERTIFICATES PROJECTS THESIS FIELD VISIT/INDUSTRIAL TRAINING
1.4.1 Stakeholders feedback report
1.4.2 Feedback report
2.2.1 Measures for Slow and Advanced learners
2.3.1 Additional information 
2.3.2 ICT-enabled tools
2.5.1 & 2.5.2 Summary 
2.6.1 Additional information on COs and POs
2.6.2  Attainment of COs and POs Annual report
3.2.1  Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations and has initiatives for the creation and transfer of knowledge 
3.2.2  Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship during the year 
3.4.1  Extension activities are carried out in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues, for their holistic development, and the impact thereof during the year 
3.5.1  Number of Collaborative activities for research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange/ internship during the year  Number of functional MoUs with Institutions of national, international importance, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc.
4.1.1  The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching-learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment, etc.
4.1.2  The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, and outdoor), a gymnasium, a yoga center etc.
4.1.3  Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT-enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS, etc.
4.2.1 The library is automated using an Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) 
4.3.1  Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi 
4.4.2 There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic, and support facilities - laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms, etc. 
5.1.1 Number of students benefited from scholarships and free ships provided by the Government during the year. 
5.1.2 Number of students benefitted by scholarships, free ships, etc. provided by the institution / non-government agencies during the year. 
5.1.3 Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution include the following. Soft skill Language and Communication Life Skills ( Yoga, Physical Fitness, Health and Hygiene) ICT/ Computing Skills
5.1.4 Number of students benefitted from guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling offered by the Institution during the year
6.3.1 Welfare measures
6.3.5 Appraisal System
6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropers during the year 2022-2023
7.1.1 Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the year. (Annual gender sensitization action plan)
7.1.2 Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the year. (Specific facilities provided for women in terms of: a. Safety and security b. Counseling c. Common Rooms d. Daycare center for young children e. Any other relevant information.)
7.1.9 Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens. (Details of activities that inculcate values; necessary to render students in to responsible citizens.)
7.1.9 Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens. (Any other relevant information.)
7.2.1 Describe two best practices successfully implemented by the Institution as per the NAAC format provided in the Manual (Any other relevant information.)